01CSDEMO.ZIP1,095,273 12-04-95 Idaho Scenary Screen Saver. Enjoy the fivebeautiful outdoor scenary photographs asthey all fade, slide, skip, and scrollacross your desktop screen.
02CSDEMO.ZIP 931,725 12-04-95 Canadian Rockies Screen Saver.Awe-inspiring photographs of the CanadianRockies tower on your computer; watch themfade, slide, skip, and scroll across yourdesktop screen.
1SHOT10.ZIP 96,796 10-04-95 One Shot v1.0. Allows you easier access topics, games or programs and everything elseon all your floppy disks.
2SAVER.ZIP 116,192 11-07-95 2 screen savers: 1 based on UFO's andanother based on TV's X-Files show!
4NT251B.ZIP 66,104 10-17-95 4DOS/NT v2.51 patch file, updates 4DOS/NTv2.51 rev A to 4DOS/NT v2.51 rev B.
ABACK35E.ZIP 664,475 10-25-95 AutoBackup v3.5e for Win NT. Now you canschedule backups to run under NT. Runs thebackup software that ships with NT.
ACUSET5B.ZIP 329,968 10-05-95 Accuset v3.5b. Ultimate clock enhancementutility will acurately synchronize your PCclock with either of the USNO/ NIST/ Italy/Austria/ Sweden/ Australia/ UK/ Canada/Germany atomic clocks.
ADOMINI3.ZIP 444,940 10-01-95 Anno Domini v3.00. View a monthly calendarbetween the years 1753 and 2153, nationalholidays for the UK, USA, Canada, Europe,Australasia, Christian festivals, moonphases and sunrise and sunset times for anylocation.
ADVENT95.ZIP 648,878 10-04-95 Advent Advent calendar for Win95. Plays adifferent Christmas carol and displays adifferent Gospel verse each December daythrough Christmas. Requires aMIDI-compatible device or sound card.
AHANDY11.ZIP 759,133 10-25-95 Handy v1.11. 30 Games and Utils in 1 superpackage such as Typing Tutor, Lotteryutils, Pattern Maker, EZ Art, Rainbow Text,Slideshow Maker, BMP re-sizerutils, Log,Anniv. & B/day Database, much more.
AJPEG100.ZIP 143,655 12-09-95 Amazing JPEG Screen Saver. Lets you haveyour favorite JPEG images float across thescreen. Images can be loaded progressively:First you see a low resolution image pop upon your screen and watch as the qualityimproves.
ANYBETA.ZIP 817,835 10-18-95 AnyLabel (beta). Powerful WYSIWYG labeldesign package. Includes over 1700predefined label formats, support for allstandard bar code types, support for 21different graphic formats, and TWAINscanner support.
ATASK13D.ZIP 235,766 10-28-95 Auto Task v1.3d for Win NT. Automated taskprocessor/ manger lets you schedule anyapplication to run at specific timeswithout user intervention. Individual taskscan be scheduled to run by Interval, Day,Week, Month, or
ATLC110.ZIP 1,316,517 11-21-95 ArtTheme Learning Curve Screen Saver andBackground Changer for Win 95. Dry, itchyscreen? Add thirty times the fun with thishilarious collection of cartoons abouttechnology and the workplace from the penstylus of Ted G
ATW1A.ZIP 308,377 11-08-95 Add to Win v1.0 for Win 95. Organizes andlaunches apps from the desktop.
AWLOC401.ZIP 69,523 11-20-95 WinLock v4.01. Protects your Windows andLAN environment from unauthorized users.The easy to use security features locksWindows at start up, on demand, andautomatically when your away from your desk.
BALLSV11.ZIP 111,225 11-22-95 BalloonSaver v1.1. Screen saver. Animatedhot-air balloons float across the screen,blown by the clouds and wind. Passwordprotection option.
BAT9511.ZIP 170,038 12-04-95 Batch95 v1.1 for Win 95. Designed toenhance the Win 95 shell by allowing fulluse of DOS batch files.
BATNOTE1.ZIP 140,217 12-09-95 BatchNotes v1.0. Creates yellow stickynotes and launches them to the screen.Optional alarm makes note pop-up at presettime. Cut and paste your text to and fromapplications or store in file for laterretrieval.
BATSH220.ZIP 58,997 10-18-95 Batsh v2.20. Run commands from a file. Lineby Line. Like batch files in DOS, but withsome windows specific commands, and not allthe DOS features.
BEAR12WN.ZIP 750,489 10-29-95 Mythic Bears v1.2. Media album/ screensaver which features visionary paintings ofbears that explore ritual relationships,particularly within the Ainu culture ofJapan.
BICYC12A.ZIP 525,727 10-28-95 Early Bicycles v1.2a. Media album/ screensaver which features 15 rare images ofearly American bicycles c.1885-1910 scannedfrom photos in a private collection.
BIRDSV11.ZIP 125,569 11-21-95 BirdSaver v1.1. Screen saver. Animatedswans, parrots, pelicans, cardinals,pheasants and more. Password protectionoption.
BTWZIP22.ZIP 191,580 12-13-95 Button Works v2.2. Get Win 95 functionalityon Windows 3.1 today. Toolbar that launchesapplications with a single mouse click.Similar to the Win 95 Taskbar - only better.
CALEND11.ZIP 99,036 10-04-95 Calend v1.10. Perpetual, searchablecalendar for the Julian/ Gregorian, Islamicand Jewish calendars between the years1500AD and 2199AD. Permits searches in allthree calendars. The principal festivalsand special days ar
CAT95V20.ZIP 183,313 10-29-95 Cats `95. Runs a cat on your desktop byfollowing the cursor. If you minimize theprogram window, the cat runs on thedesktop, if not, the cat runs in the Cat95!window. If you stop moving the cursor, thecat falls asleep.
CERBERUS.ZIP 192,953 10-11-95 Cerberus v2.51. Password protect access toprograms, files, Program Manager groups andother features.
CGISHELL.ZIP 94,633 11-29-95 CGIShell v1.0.b.950930. Lets almost any16-bit or 32-bit program work with your webserver as a CGI program.
CHOOSEOS.ZIP 17,483 11-16-95 Boot Chooser v1.0. Manages the Win 95/NTmultiple boot manager from inside Windows.This is useful if you have anotheroperating system installed on yourcomputer, and frequently boot back andforth between them.
CITORIO.ZIP 119,447 10-22-95 Citorio v1.0. Muestra periodicamente citasen Windows. Tambien muestra citas en DOS.Es Freeware y las citas estan en Espa ol.
CLCKTLK.ZIP 403,207 11-01-95 Clock Talk v3.0. Talking desktop clockannounces the time in a digitized femalevoice in 1, 5, 15, 30, or 60-secondintervals.
CLIPW200.ZIP 99,333 10-14-95 Clipwatcher v2.00. Traps as many as 18 textclips sent to your clipboard while youedit, then you may use the internal editorto drag and drop from one to another or tothe printer.
CLPBK35.ZIP 39,964 10-16-95 ClipBook Pro v3.5. Track items copied tothe Clipboard. Each item is given its own`page' where you can easily view, edit,print, or save it. Multiple pages can beviewed with the thumbnail option.
COPILOT.ZIP 199,458 11-16-95 CoPilot. Pop-up program launcher can useProgram Manager group information, and canbe set up as the Windows shell.
COUNTD10.ZIP 180,563 10-10-95 CountDown v1.0. Counts down or up to anyday and time: anniversaries, birthdays,retirement, end of political or militaryservice, the national debt as it grows.Includes editor and many powerful functionsto calculate val
CUTIL200.ZIP 402,685 11-15-95 Clysmic Utilities v2.00 <ASP> Collection of32-Bit Desktop utilities. Included are adrag 'n' drop wallpaper selector, exe fileinfo utility, system info utility,user-controlled random wallpaper programand File Manager e
CYBERWRM.ZIP 23,111 11-03-95 CyberWorms v1.0. Awesome Windows ScreenSaver! Fantastic 256 color palette rotationwith large setup screen allowing you tocustomize the screen saver to yourpreferences. Hypnotic!
DECOR110.ZIP 174,921 11-28-95 Decor v1.10. Wallpaper selector willrandomly select a wallpaper. Setup yourwallpapers, give them a weighting,depending on your preference (the higherthe weighting, the more likely a wallpaperis to be selected).
DIMAGE18.ZIP 309,691 11-27-95 Disk Image v1.80. Display and print a graphof your disk space utilization, bydirectory or extension.
DIRCOMP.ZIP 349,300 11-13-95 Directory Comparison Utility. Compare thecontents of two directories. It can displayeither the files that are the same or thosethat are different. You can then markmultiple files to browse, copy, move, ordelete.
DIRSORT1.ZIP 148,275 10-30-95 Directory Sorter v1.1 for Win 95.Physically sort all your files anddirectories into Alphabetic. Great forZipping, Copying or Backing up files inAlphabetic order.
DISKBACK.ZIP 18,711 10-01-95 DiskBack v1.0 <ASP> Fast & easy backup ofhard disks while preserving the sourcedrive file structure. Designed for fastbackups to cartridge hard-drives but can beused with any writtable disk.
DISKR125.ZIP 146,777 10-01-95 Diskers v1.25. Create diskette Image filesfrom floppys. Use them to re-create theoriginal diskettes at a later time. Perfectfor installation diskettes, and when theboss says `Make two copies each of these 10diskettes'
DISPDEST.ZIP 15,758 10-29-95 Display Destroyer v1.4. Watch Out! Somebodyhas turned up the heat of your PC. Youwon't believe your eyes. Your display isstarting to melt. You can control thetemperature, the speed and the direction ofthe meltdown.
DM13.ZIP 57,816 10-10-95 DOS Mode v1.3 for Win 95. Enhances supportfor multiple configurations allowing you tocreate multi configs that control whichoperating system, DOS or Win 95, you wantto use for the session.
DOCMAN18.ZIP 157,293 12-19-95 DocMan v1.8 for Win 95. Extends thefunctionality of the Documents folder inthe Start menu. Open documents, load/savedocument lists, remove one, some, or alldocuments, add documents and more.
DOSEXP11.ZIP 12,149 10-30-95 DOS Explore v1.1 for Win 95. Adds a newright click menu item to Explorer whichallows you to browse the currently selecteddirectory from the DOS prompt or analternative command prompt.
DRIVINFO.ZIP 115,183 11-06-95 Drive Info. Displays information on allsystem drives. Pop it up when you need anoverview of drive usage.
DRTRASH2.ZIP 8,834 11-09-95 DropTrash v2.0. Intended to be used withDropper or a toolbar that can accept filesdropped from a file manager; unlike mosttrash cans, this does not run all the time.
DSKCPY13.ZIP 38,668 11-26-95 Disk Copy v1.3 for Win 95. Create duplicatedisks. Unlike Explorer, which needs to readthe source disk for each disk you wish tocreate, DiskCopy prompts you for the numberof copies you want, making for a muchquicker op
DTOP10.ZIP 9,561 11-26-95 DTop v1.0 for Win 95. Offers theconvenience of using ALT-Tab to return tothe Win 95 desktop, no matter how many DOSwindows you have open.
DTW10.ZIP 52,282 10-12-95 Drive Test v1.0. Performs integrity testsuites on a specified drive. It can alsoshell out and run user-defined externaldiagnostic utilities such as Norton's DiskDoctor for additional tests.
ELEC12WN.ZIP 597,488 10-05-95 Electric Trains v1.2. Media album andscreen saver which features vintageelectric locomotives c.1920-40 from midwestUnited States Railroads.
EPCURS1.ZIP 23,058 10-11-95 10 Animated Mouse Pointers for Win 95,sporting the trendy Excel Progs SharewareOrganization logo. All are ready to be usedas your standard, busy, or waitingpointers, and this package includes fullinstructions on using
ERR_SCAN.ZIP 229,862 11-21-95 ErrorScan. System and disk cleaning utilitythat detects and cleans a specfic group oferror files the big disk utilities,un-install and sweep type programs havemissed! Includes resource gauges, task andmodules load lis
EWSENDTO.ZIP 60,224 12-09-95 EwSendTo. Add send to functionality to yourapplication. Duplicates Explorer's Send Tofunction.
EXITER11.ZIP 263,112 11-08-95 Exiter v1.1. Quickly exit Windows, restartWindows or reboot your computer.
EZDESK17.ZIP 75,236 11-05-95 EzDesk v1.7 for Win 95. Manages the desktopicons' layout. There are many times when aperfectly arranged desktop icons' layout isscrambled by an errant application or anaccidental desktop arranged.
FC10.ZIP 81,221 11-16-95 File Compare v1.0. Provides a side by sidecomparison of two files with thedifferences highlighted. An editor lets youmerge changes from one file to the otherwith a few keystrokes.
FDFRG12.ZIP 79,136 10-31-95 Disc-Organize v1.2. Screen-saver mimics afile defragger (leaving your disk alone),finishing only when you stop it. Yourcomputer looks busy while you take thatmuch-needed break.
FERET105.ZIP 717,313 11-24-95 File Ferret v1.05. File Finder featuresmultiple disk drives, multiple file mask,date & size ranges, text searches, exportand printing capabilities.
FINDTEXT.ZIP 145,768 10-25-95 FindText v1.0. Fast grep-like textsearching utility. Files matching thesearch criteria can easily be viewed,renamed, copied, or deleted.
FMANG235.ZIP 181,045 10-03-95 Font Man v2.35. Select fonts forinstallation. Maintains a complete list ofinstalled fonts, versus ones that are notcurrently used in the system, you may alsoview and print fonts.
FMOTN12.ZIP 108,529 10-12-95 Full Motion v1.2. Screen saver. The nextgeneration digital video screen saver.Plays your favorite AVI files, up to fullscreen.
FMSEEK18.ZIP 109,817 11-11-95 FM Seek v1.80. Disk search and directorysearch utility that will allow the user tobuild lists based on templates and thenperform file operations on the results.
FMXTOUCH.ZIP 29,056 10-31-95 Touch for Windows v1.3. Extension for theFile Manager that allows you to set themodification date and time for a file.Options are also included to quickly lockand unlock selected files.
FP59.ZIP 373,395 11-03-95 Flying Perfect v5.9. Screen saver. Fly yourown images or a hunting land where flyingarrows and bullets are hiting balloons andpumpkins and burst out hearts, skulls andmore.
FRENET35.ZIP 206,287 11-05-95 Frenetic v3.5. Screen saver. Endlesscolorful graphic abstractions are paintfrom a wealth of drawing elements.
FSP71.ZIP 521,505 10-31-95 FontSpec Pro v7.1 for Win 95. Advanced fontmanager. View, print and manage fonts.
FW105DMO.ZIP 175,482 10-13-95 FileWorks v1.05. Directory utility alaDirOpus on the Amiga and DirMaster underOS/2. Take the time to learn all of itsfunctions as it is great at drivehousekeeping, automatic zipping/ unzipping,much more.
FXEDIT14.ZIP 49,089 10-06-95 File Editor v1.4. Hexadecimal editor thatallows you to view and modify binary files.
GCKWIN71.ZIP 466,774 11-26-95 GeoClock v7.1. Sunlight clock. The currentsun position is displayed, and the parts ofthe earth in sunlight and twilight arehighlighted, with local sunrise/ set andtimes around the world.
GCPCLK10.ZIP 214,675 10-12-95 Gibbon Double-Click v1.0. Program and DLLthat intercepts Mouse Button #3 (the middlebutton on 3-button mice) and translates itinto a double-click, A button 1 & 2 chordor a `Next button lock'.
GLOBALTM.ZIP 44,222 11-16-95 GlobalTime. Keeps track of the time at anynumber of locations around the world. It isaware of daylight savings rules for mostcountries, as well as standard timedifferences.
GOTRIBE.ZIP 704,370 10-16-95 GoTribe v1.0. Screen saver. If you're atrue Cleveland Indians fan, you gotta haveit! Includes saver plus 2 Tribe .BMPs.
GTK15.ZIP 329,124 10-16-95 Global Timekeeper v1.5. Keep track of thelocal times of the world's 30 time zones.The application comes with many analogclocks which continually update on a singledisplay or you may select individual clocks.
HALICO.ZIP 4,825 10-04-95 Haloween based Cursors for Win 95.
HANDSANI.ZIP 3,189 10-03-95 Animated Cursors for Win 95.
HLPTXT10.ZIP 298,002 10-15-95 Help to Text v1.0. Convert any Windows helpfile into an editable text file.
HOTC111.ZIP 18,985 12-10-95 Hot Corners v1.11 for Win 95. Activate ordisable the screen saver by positioning thecursor in a user-defined corner of thescreen.
HTCRN102.ZIP 7,585 11-02-95 Hot Corners v1.02. Adds `sleep now' and`sleep never' corners for screen savers.
HTSPT11.ZIP 34,486 11-29-95 HotSpot v1.1. Screensaver utility willcreate hotspots which will allow the userto turn his screensaver on and off simplyby placing the cursor in a predefinedcorner.
I2BPRO.ZIP 99,256 11-29-95 Icon 2 Bmp Pro. Converts icons! 3 sizes!Choose from 16x16, 22x24, and 32x32!Outputs 1 at a time by double clicking, ordoes the whole directory with 1 click!
ICEDIT20.ZIP 143,190 11-11-95 Icon Edit v2.00. Icon display/ edit programwith many features that allows the user toeasily design Icons.
ICNCT44F.ZIP 506,948 10-19-95 Icons Control v4.4f. Displays 100 icons ata time for quick vewing/ printing/ copying/renaming/ moving/ deleting/ editing/converting/ extracting using drag & drop/mouse clicks/ hotkeys. Extracts icon insideDLL/EXE file
ICONMA26.ZIP 232,989 11-23-95 Icon Master v2.60. Icon display/ editprogram that provides drag and drop fromviewer to editor. Powerful editor with manyfeatures that allow the user to easilydesign Icons.
ICONMOVY.ZIP 187,775 12-29-95 Icon Movies with Extras. Includes iconmovies in discreet files for your own movieviewer and integrated files for IconHear-It or Icon Do-It.
ICONSHOW.ZIP 89,722 10-25-95 Gaming Icons and Icon Movies. Movies forMosaic, PhotoFinish, Rebel Assault andmore. Miscellaneous icons with mostly gamethemes.
ICOPS11.ZIP 210,099 11-03-95 Password protect Windows icons.
ICX235.ZIP 146,986 12-02-95 Icon Extract v2.35. Extracts icons fromDLL/ NIL/ EXE/ ICL format files and savesthem into ICO/bmp file format. Maintains amaster list of Icon libraries for your use.
IDATE30A.ZIP 48,826 11-21-95 IDate v3.0a. Personal date reminder hasnumerous features incorporated with it.
IFA400B4.ZIP 543,633 10-28-95 Instant File Access v4.00. Enhances thefile dialogs of applicaions by adding file/directory recall, long file names, floatingfile lists, file manager functions, etc.
INI240.ZIP 188,520 12-02-95 INI Manager v2.40. Understands the internalstructure and allows you to search based onsection headers in large files. Maintains alist of your INI files for easy opening.
IN_SU44.ZIP 220,986 10-14-95 Incredible Sun v4.4. Screen saver where youcan experience wonderful views under thesun: happy birds sing and glide over oceanand sailing ships.
IRDCW230.ZIP 394,331 10-26-95 Infra-Red Direct Control v2.3. Control yourOne-For-All (5, 6, 8 or 12) remote fromyour PC. Point & Click interface.
JL_FT30.ZIP 390,732 12-08-95 Jurassic Land Forest v3.0. Screen saverwhere you can experience a jurassic eveningwith dinosaures.
JOBRUN12.ZIP1,012,853 10-21-95 JobRunner v1.1b. Program executionscheduler. Add programs with parameters torun at scheduled times or append the MSAccess database from your external program.
JSTART.ZIP 92,320 10-17-95 JumpStart-96 for Win 95. Redirect the rightALT and CTRL keys to open the START andLOGO menus of most applications.
KALEID31.ZIP 69,187 11-16-95 Kaleidoscope v3.1. Generate stunninglybeautiful geometric patterns which can evenbe controlled by music if you have a soundcard. Bursting with color and infinitevariety, this is no ordinary screen saver.
KICKER60.ZIP 312,996 11-03-95 Kicker v1.0. PIM, Utilities and more!Calendars, addresses, notes, calculator,clock, alarms, and system information.
KILLR_11.ZIP 179,406 10-29-95 WinKillr v1.10 <ASP> Terminate programsunder automatic program control. Triggerson elapsed time, clock time or time anddate. Will Save open files and `Save As'open unnamed files.
KQW32.ZIP 447,735 11-06-95 Knowledge Quest v4.0 for Win 95/NT. Buildhelp desks or any application employingdecision tree logic. Provides a structureddrawing environment, and can generate codefor Level5 Objectr, or it can build anexecutable.
KSINK165.ZIP 419,782 11-19-95 Kitchen Sink v1.65. Unique utility thatprovides many features for the user. Anextensive launch facility that may belocated anywhere on the desktop, MaintainsCalendar notes by date with searchfacilities.
LAW_JK25.ZIP 543,024 10-21-95 Lawyer Jokes & Quotes v2.5. 220 jokes and550 quotes give you the lowdown on Doctors,Lawyers and Politicians.
LEDCLOK.ZIP 111,346 11-27-95 LED Clock that runs as a stay-on-top formso it is always visible. Displays Hours,Minutes, Seconds. The clock isautomatically centered on the Top or Bottomof the screen so, it shouldn't interruptyour work.
LIGHTS95.ZIP 173,699 11-23-95 Holiday Lights v2.0 for Win 95. Enjoywatching Holiday Lights on your desktop.Select bulb type, color, background music,screen savers and more!
LOCKTT22.ZIP 231,812 11-16-95 LOCKtite v2.2. Helps manage Windowssecurity. It works with the Program Managerto allow you to easily restrict the menu,to add or remove program groups fromdisplay, and to password protect anyapplication.
LOGOSV12.ZIP 103,361 11-10-95 LogoSaver v1.2. BMP screen saver turnssmall BMP logo file into a bouncingcorporate screen saver.
LPAD_V2.ZIP 631,861 12-08-95 Launch Pad & Speed Bar v2.0 for Win 95.Menu system & Button Bar. Create up to amillion menus w/programs on one pull downmenu. Button Bar w/fast access to commonprograms!
LUNABAR.ZIP 337,433 10-20-95 Lunabar v1.0 for Win 95. Places an icon inthe taskbar displaying the current moonphase and age. Click to open a full lunaralmanack disolaying phase; rising,southing, and setting times.
MACROM10.ZIP 287,226 11-24-95 Macro Mania v1.0. Powerful program thatworks with ANY windows program! A PowerUser's dream! Start programs, switch tocurrently running programs, and sendkeystrokes to programs with one command.
MAILQT10.ZIP 7,800 10-11-95 MailQuote v1.0. Add-on program for Exchangethat adds a `>' sign in front of all thelines in a message.
MAKHLP2.ZIP 385,624 12-29-95 MakHlp. Help authoring tool for simplehypertext help. Requires a help compiler.
MCHANG25.ZIP 113,237 10-12-95 MChanger v2.5 for Win 95/NT. BMP/ SCR/ WAVchanger. Changes the wallpaper, systemsounds, and screen saver and registers thenew settings. Setup program included,allowing easy customization.
MDESK.ZIP 249,552 11-15-95 MDesk v1.10.50 for Win NT. Drag and dropProgram Manager replacement.
MDIFLY32.ZIP 70,560 10-11-95 MDI Fly v2.0 for Win 95. Manage andnavigate Multiple Document Interface (MDI)applications. This makes it easier andfaster to select, tile, minimize, maximize,and close MDI child windows.
MEMORYAN.ZIP 143,264 11-03-95 MemoryAnalyst for Win95 Demo. Trace memorystatus over time to help analyze yoursystem efficiency.
MFLG1615.ZIP 53,475 11-11-95 MailFlag v1.5. Provides enhanced new-mailnotification w/MSMail 3.x and Exchange 4;repeating audio alerts (beep or .WAV file);popup window allows `remind me later',activate Mail, delete read receipts; more.
MODSTA18.ZIP 213,124 09-30-95 ModemSta v1.8. Animated icon replica orlarger indicator displays of modem's frontpanel. Several great 3D looks. For use withinternal, external and PCMCIA modems. Modeminitialization, logging of incoming callsand conne
MOM100.ZIP 246,103 10-12-95 Momshell v1.0. Program Manager replacement.Features improved and easier interface, PMicons import, File Manager files import andoptionally prevents launching a second copy.
MOO4.ZIP 22,705 11-06-95 Moo v4.0 for Win 95. Menu System. Quickerthan the Start button! Doesn't replace theWin 95 menu system, but rather supplementsit by providing quicker access to its menuitems.
MOVIT101.ZIP 108,403 11-04-95 MoveIt v1.01. Allows windows to be movedout of the way automatically.
MULTVU20.ZIP 124,733 12-07-95 MultiVu v2.0 <ASP> View files up to 2 GB.Scan disk for text, files. Fast textsearch. Up to 20 open files. Drag & dropsupport. File `preload' for smoothscrolling. Browse ZIP, ARJ and LZH contents.
MVIEW11W.ZIP 34,789 11-14-95 Mountain View v1.1. Text viewer displaysany file, including DOS, Unix, andMacintosh file formats. Once loaded, mousescrolling allows quick file viewing withoutever touching the keyboard. Save anyportion or the entire